Corporate Social Responsibility

ALUMAN does not excel only in the production of aluminium slugs and discs but also to actions with direct benefits to society and environment.

Environmental Responsibility

Regarding environmental responsibility, the pillar of CSR that concerns the preservation of nature, Aluman recycles the aluminium scraps of its operations as well as the aluminium scraps of its customers supporting thus, the circular economy. In addition to this and following market requirements, Aluman produces 100% recycled slugs from post-consumer scraps, such as lithosheets and wire rods, contributing to the recyclability of aluminium and decrease of CO2 emissions.

Ethical Responsibility

Coming to the ethical responsibility, Aluman is characterized by a fair treatment across all its customers and its suppliers regardless of age, race, culture, or sexual orientation. The same philosophy is applied throughout the
personnel of the company including favorable pay and benefits to employees exceeding the mandated minimums.
Hands Holding - Teamwork

Philanthropic Responsibility

In relation to philanthropic responsibility, the third pillar of CSR, the company has a long history of supporting various charities as well as making generous donations to social health institutions,
proceeding to in-kind donations to local families in need, and benefacting children’s sports organizations.
The continuous support of Make-A-Wish Greece over the last 10 years and of the Association of Parents and Friends of Autistic People “ANAGENNISI” are important examples of Aluman’s contribution to society.

Financial Responsibility

As for the fourth and last pillar of CSR, that of financial responsibility, Aluman makes plans to tie all the three areas above. Financial transparency and timely financial reporting along with the certification of certified public accountants is a standard policy in accordance with the Greek and international standards. Continuous investments in all phases of the production process are crucial, leading to optimal performance of production while always improving its sustainability indicators and minimizing its carbon footprint.
Financial Charts